Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Motivation and Leadership

Question: Describe about the Motivation and Leadership. Answer: Introduction The term motivation is defined as the process that accounts for the individuals intensity, persistence and directions of efforts towards attaining a desired goal. It implies an inner sensation that drives an individual to preserve something and positively. When it articulates with the term leadership it creates a positive atmosphere among several employees in an organizational management. Leaders are used to channels motivation into practical use. In this assignment, the researcher has manipulated the concept of leadership development and change management based on the mentioned scenario. This assignment is totally based on critical thinking analytics with the core strategy concept of leadership and motivation development in an organizational management and in business enterprise. Overview of the Scenario and Concept In the provided scenario, it has been preferred the branch manager of PNC bank and the methods applies to motivate and inspire bankers in the sector of banking industry so that it become successful in its job role. The term Leadership and motivation plays a vital role in every common workplace environment (Draft, 2014). As a manager of the PNC bank there is need of emergence to increase the motivation rate and leadership enhancing qualities in a banking industry. Content/Critical Thinking Analysis Key concept A critical analysis is a subjective writing as it expresses the author evaluation and experience of a text. The term analysis implies breaking down and critically examines the parts (Spillane, 2012). The concept of critical analysis comprises of two general steps: identify the author purpose and thesis. In the context of above scenario, the manager want to motivate and satisfy the bankers and as well as the employees by availing the leadership qualities in an organizational management. Theories and Models The theories and models of leadership, motivation and development include varieties of concepts that must be present in a professional banking manager (Chemers, 2014). In the current scenario, the manager of PNC bank want to motivate and lead the bankers so that they success in their job role. Being a manager there are various ways to motivate the leaders which initially includes better complexion of communication, offerings of telecommunication option, offering of work bonus and etc. The manager must maintain a clean and efficient relationship; and fulfill all customer demands. Being a manager, the bank must improve the service of customers and provide all such necessary facilities to its employees; so that the employees feels good and tends to impoverish the customer services which is very important for a banking industry. The researcher has provided models of motivation which are illustrated below: Figure 1: Theory of Motivation (Source: Created by author) The above model is illustrated by the researcher itself to make a direct reflection in a banking industry. The highlighted factors of motivation reflected above help the manager of PNC bank to attract and motivate customers and its employees. The motivation theory of employees comprises of two segments which generally include common hygiene factor and motivating factor (Spillane, 2012). Hygiene factor are divided into four subparts which initially include salary and pay, social needs, companies policy and job securities; whereas general motivating factors comprises of recognition, responsibility, advancement of self esteem and maturity of work portfolio. The provided book of leadership, motivation and development is very helpful in case of manger to motivate the bankers and as well as the customer. Application of theory There are many theories of motivation and leadership. The professionals working in a positive environment requires certain consequences and assumptions regarding motivating and enhancing employees; so that they can provide efficient services to its ultimate customers at a glance. In an industry like banking, the satisfaction of customers and its services, leadership, motivation holds a very important aspect to make virtualization of business activities (Draft, 2014). Based on the above scenario, it is obvious that the concept of leadership plays a very eminent role in shaping the needs of every organizational management (Weiner, 2013). The theories that have been provided with this assignment are sorely related to the concept of leadership, motivation and development. In the provided book it have been mentioned that the personal qualities of a good leadership which includes responsibility, persistence, initiative and sociability must be present in a leader; which tends to motivate cu stomer and staff members to work efficiently and effectively (Peters, 2015). The outcomes of leadership have also been reflected by maintaining the trust and faith among various intellectual customers which is very important in a banking sector. Figure 2: Application Theory (Source: Li, Tan Teo, 2012, pp-260) The key points of leadership like fulfilling ambition, consumption of energy, tenacity and initiative helps the organizational management to make ensure and increases flexibility among employees and customers (Draft, 2014). The book focuses on varieties of leadership traits that must be present in a professional individual which generally includes drive, achievement, self confidence, ability of cognitive that motivate the customers and bankers to make clear complexion and attract towards bank portfolio work management (Schunk Zimmerman, 2012). Conclusion This assignment concludes with the broad concept of leadership development and motivation in a banking industry. As a manager it is very important to maintain and increase the efficiency of motivation in common workplace environment to satisfy customer and its employees. Throughout, this entire study the concept of leadership and motivation consideration has taken into account with some valuable points and strategy. The concept of leadership and development has become excessively important for all organizational management; as it sustains a behaviors and attributes of leader. As a manager, the tendency to satisfy bankers with banking core strategy services has resulted many customers to choose other banking services; so there is need of emergence to improve the consumer services by motivating and enhancing bankers and employees by attracting banking offers and services. References Chemers, M. (2014). An integrative theory of leadership. Psychology Press. Chhokar, J. S., Brodbeck, F. C., House, R. J. (Eds.). (2013). Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies. Routledge. Daft, R. (2014). The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Golub, T. L., Ol ar, D., Rijavec, M. (2014, July). 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