Thursday, November 28, 2019

Org behavior free essay sample

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Define, discuss, and recognize important terminology, facts, concepts, principles, analytic techniques, and theories taught in this organizational behavior course. 2. Identify and apply appropriate terminology, facts, concepts, principles, analytic techniques, and theories from the organizational behavior course when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems. 3. Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate facts, concepts, principles, analytic techniques, and theories from this organizational behavior course. 4. Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints. 5. Discuss the relevance and application of the concepts, principles, and theories used in organizational behavior to contemporary events. 6. Identify and discuss the interrelationships among the concepts, principles, and theories used in the different areas of organizational behavior. https://webster. campusconcourse. com/view_syllabus? course_id=24492 5/24/2013 Concourse | Organizational Behavior Page 2 of 5 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Organizational Behavior Author: Robbins and Judge Publisher: Prentice Hall Edition: Please Use Most Recent Edition EVALUATION Your course grade will be based on your scores on your examinations, papers, assignments, and your contributions to class discussions. We will write a custom essay sample on Org behavior or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These different components will be weighted as follows: Midterm Examination: 40% Final Examination: 20% Paper: 40% Letter Calculation: 93 – 100 = A, 90 – 92 = A-, 87 – 89 = B+, 82 – 86 = B, 76 – 81 = B-, 60 – 75 = C, 0 – 59 = F COURSE POLICIES This syllabus may be revised at the discretion of the instructor without the prior notification or consent of the student. The schedule below presents an approximate expectation of course progress. The instructor reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any weeks of this schedule. Any changes will be announced during class. Academic Dishonesty: Webster University strives to preserve academic honor and integrity by repudiating all forms of academic and intellectual dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and facilitation of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action, as outlined in the Graduate Studies catalog. Late work, including exams is subject to a 10% penalty. No work will be accepted via email. Papers must be submitted in class. INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES University policies are provided in the current course catalog and course schedules. They are also available on the university website. This class is governed by the universitys published policies. The following policies are of particular interest: Academic Honesty The university is committed to high standards of academic honesty. Students will be held responsible for violations of these standards. Please refer to the universitys academic honesty policies for a definition of academic dishonesty and potential disciplinary actions associated with it. https://webster. campusconcourse. com/view_syllabus? course_id=24492 5/24/2013 Concourse | Organizational Behavior Page 3 of 5 Drops and Withdrawals Please be aware that, should you choose to drop or withdraw from this course, the date on which you notify the university of your decision will determine the amount of tuition refund you receive. Please refer to the Add/Drop/Withdraw section of the academic catalog for further information and to find the deadlines for dropping a course with a full refund and for withdrawing from a course with a partial refund. Special Services If you have registered as a student with a documented disability and are entitled to classroom or testing accommodations, please inform the instructor at the beginning of the course of the accommodations you will require in this class so that these can be provided. Disturbances Since every student is entitled to full participation in class without interruption, disruption of class by inconsiderate behavior is not acceptable. Students are expected to treat the instructor and other students with dignity and respect, especially in cases where a diversity of opinion arises. Students who engage in disruptive behavior are subject to disciplinary action, including removal from the course. Grading Please refer to the most recent academic catalog for information on the Webster University grading policy. Student Assignments Retained From time to time, student assignments or projects will be retained by The Department for the purpose of academic assessment. In every case, should the assignment or project be shared outside the academic Department, the students name and all identifying information about that student will be redacted from the assignment or project. Contact Hours for this Course It is essential that all classes meet for the full instructional time as scheduled. A class cannot be shortened in length. If a class session is cancelled for any reason, the content must be covered at another time. SCHEDULE Week Topics https://webster. campusconcourse. com/view_syllabus? course_id=24492 5/24/2013 Concourse | Organizational Behavior Page 4 of 5 Chapters in Text Terminology Appendix A Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior 1 1 Diversity 2 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Emotions and Moods 4 Personality and Values 2 3 5 Perception and Individual Decision Making 3 6 7 Application of Motivational Concepts 8 Leadership 12 Power and Politics 4 Motivational Concepts 13 Review 5 Midterm 6 Foundations of Group Behavior Understanding Work Teams 9 10 11 Communication 7 Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace 14 15 Foundations of Organizational Structure 16 Organizational Culture 8 Human Resource Policies and Practices 17 18 https://webster. campusconcourse. com/view_syllabus? course_id=24492 5/24/2013 Concourse | Organizational Behavior Page 5 of 5 Organizational Change and Stress Review Term Papers Due 9

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