Sunday, December 29, 2019

Approaches to the Study of Consumer Behaviour - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2368 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Review Did you like this example? Economic Man, Psychodynamic, Behaviourist, Cognitive and Humanistic Consumers possess considerable discretion to make independent and autonomous choices about what they will and will not buy, from whom they will buy, as well as from whom they will not, and this purchasing power leaves most businesses that are not monopolies little choice but to adopt a consumer orientation, meaning that they must resolutely focus on understanding customers in order to more effectively fulfil their needs (Baker Hart, 2003). Specifically, in marketing, a good understanding of customers lives to the maximum extent possible is crucial to ensuring that the most appropriate products and services are being marketed to the right people in the most effective way possible (Kotler Keller, 2012). Influencing consumers behaviour, and in particular their purchasing decisions, is at the focal point of all the effort and resources that are devoted to marketing (Kotler Armstrong, 2014) and because of this fact, marketers will require an in depth understanding of the principle s and motivations behind consumers behaviour if they expect to be able to effectively anticipate, forecast and perhaps even instigate what consumers will do in the future (Baker Hart, 2003). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Approaches to the Study of Consumer Behaviour" essay for you Create order According to Jobber and Fahy (2006), it is nearly impossible to succeed at marketing without an in-depth understanding of how and why consumers behave in the ways that they do and therefore, it is unsurprising that consumer behaviour and the ways in which consumers make decisions, particularly purchasing decisions, are prominent research topics and have been studied extensively in the various fields of consumer science (Erasmus, Boshoff, Rousseau, 2001). The first attempts at understanding consumer behaviour were based on the assumptions typically made in orthodox economics, that in a world of scarce resources, economic actors or economic men, are primarily motivated to reconcile the inevitable tension between unlimited needs and limited resources (Keizer, 2010) and that all behaviour results from rational decision making in the pursuit of purely self-regarding choices (Camerer Fehr, 2006). For instance, a consumer presented with the same product at different prices, all other t hings being equal, will almost certainly choose the option which has the lower price. This approach assumes that consumers are always consciously aware of all their true preferences, ranked in order of priority and social factors are assumed to be irrelevant in interpersonal relations, which are assumed to be primarily motivated by economics (Keizer, 2010). In essence, the economic men approach considers consumers behaviour to be motivated primarily by the rational pursuit of optimum economic benefit. Over the last three decades however, a large body of evidence has been accumulated showing that a number of the assumptions routinely made in economics about rationality and preference are, in reality, abstractions which are regularly violated in real world situations (Camerer Fehr, 2006). Behavioural psychologists dispute the assumption that consumers are by and large rational actors, the central assumption of the economic man approach (Keizer, 2010). In reality consumers behaviou r is often driven by psychological forces that often occur completely outside the conscious mind and of which consumers are not aware as well as motives that they may not fully understand (Kotler Armstrong, 2014) and, therefore, according to Keizer, (2010) to understand the functioning and the inner workings of the human mind is to gain insight as to what underlies and drives consumer behaviour. Even though the cognitive, psychodynamic and behavioural approaches to the study of consumer behaviour are all based on understanding the functioning of the mind, each takes a different perspective on the consumer in order to interpret their behaviour. The first attempts to ascribe consumer behavior to cognitive processes made use of the information processing patterns of digital computers in the 1960s as the model for the mental process of decision making (Baker Hart, 2003) and typically depict purchasing decisions by consumers as a five step sequential process which occurs mostly subc onsciously (Marsden Littler, 1996) starting with the recognition of a need or problem, followed by a search for information as to how that need may be fulfilled, which is then followed by an evaluation of available choices and options uncovered in the information search, after which the actual decision to purchase is made and then, finally, consumers undertake a post-decision evaluation of the outcome of the choice they have made (Erasmus, Boshoff, Rousseau, 2001). Baker Hart (2003) identify a weakness in this cognitive approach in pointing out that no account is taken of individual situational factors or context as no differentiation is made, for instance, between consumers making one-off buying decisions for durable products and others making repeat purchases of familiar brands or consumer goods. Also, in the case of low-risk, low-cost or low-involvement decisions or variety seeking consumers, information is not always processed in a deliberate rational manner (Kotler Keller, 2012). As the minds of other people are inaccessible, the cognitive approach is necessarily subjective (Keizer, 2010) and since there is no means by which cognitive processes can be directly observed or objectively measured, according to Bennett Bove (2002) they do not have a place in study and research. The psychodynamic approach to the study of consumer behaviour is largely based around the ideas and theories of Sigmund Freud (Backhaus et al., 2007) who believed that behaviour is not based on environmental stimuli or cognitive processes (Hoyer and Macinnis, 2008) but instead is the result of a fundamental internal conflict and interplay between the drive for gratification of needs, wants with desires, will power and the limitations on behaviour brought about due to the survival and social necessities of being accepted as a functioning member of society (Solomon, Russell-Bennett Previte, 2013). Some drives may be innate, like the need to eat, while others will be acquired or l earned, like the need to smoke cigarettes (Bennett, 1996), but both drive behaviour all the same. According to Marsden Littler (1996) childhood experiences have a powerful influence on many of the drives that follow consumers throughout their lives. Sigmund Freud theorised that there are three systems within the human mind: the id, the ego and the superego. According to his theories, we are motivated as humans to behave in ways which minimise any conflict between these three entities (Solomon, Russell-Bennett Previte, 2013). The id is about selfish, illogical and immediate gratification and nothing more, without regard for any consequences and operating according to the pleasure principle, which is the basic desire to maximise pleasure and avoid pain. The superego counteracts the id, acting in essence like a conscience and internalising societys rules especially as was taught by ones parents (Solomon, Russell-Bennett Previte, 2013). The ego is the system that mediates be tween the id and the superego. The ego tries to find the balance between the other two, applying the reality principle which means finding ways to attain the maximum gratification for the id that society at large will accept. As these conflicts occur unconsciously, consumers are not normally aware of the underlying reasons for the behaviour they bring about (Solomon, Russell-Bennett Previte, 2013). In a landmark study into behaviour, Watson Rayner (1920) proved behaviour could be learned due to external events by teaching a small child to fear otherwise harmless objects through the repeated association with loud noises. The behaviourist approach, contends that conditioning of consumers behaviour occurs as a result of external stimuli (Marsden Littler, 1996) which triggers responses while, at the same time feedback received from the environment as a result of past behaviours, whether perceived as positive or negative, will act as reinforcement and will serve to strengthen or we aken future responses accordingly so that consumers will be driven to repeat behaviour which is perceived to have been rewarded, whereas behaviour that elicits negative feedback will likely be avoided (Bennett, 1996). For example, a satisfactory experience when consuming a product or service will make it more likely that the consumer will purchase the product again, whereas a negative experience will probably cause the consumer to avoid that product. Around the time of the turn of this century, Nataraajan Bagozzi (1999: 637) identified in adequacies in the approaches to the study of consumer behaviour stating: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a pressing need in the field to balance the rational, cognitive side of marketing thought and practice with new ideas and research on the emotional facets of marketing behaviour. The humanistic approach emphasizes the self, and places the individual consumer at the centre of the analysis (Keizer, 2010). The cognitive, economic, psychodynamic and behavio urist approaches outlined above all make assumptions based largely on generic rules, without taking into account that consumers are all unique individuals who may respond differently to the same stimuli, and without taking into account that experiences are personal, subjective and unique to each individual by definition, as are the emotions associated with those experiences (Ahola, 2005). Also, they assume that behaviour is always self-interested and do not account for selfless or altruistic behaviour (Nataraajan Bagozzi, 1999). Consumers will often seek to express some sort of self-definition through their belongings leading to an unsurprising consistency between a consumers values and the things they buy (Solomon, et al., 2006). These aspects of individualism and personality are manifested in the concept of the true self (Keizer, 2010) or, as referred to by Sirgy (1982) the self-concept. Demand for certain goods and services is known to be driven by the perceived emotional value to consumers (Vigneron Johnson, 1999), for instance, there are certain product classes, particularly in the entertainment industry for which consumption is largely driven by consumers seeking emotional arousal, not economic benefit or functional utility (Ahola, 2005). In terms of comparison and differentiation, consumer behaviour is portrayed as highly rational in the economic man approach (in responding to economic stimuli) as well as in the cognitive approach (in following the sequence of decision making steps). The cognitive approach is, however, vulnerable to certain biases due to the way that people normally process information. Of these errors, two are of note and these are: fundamental attribution error, which results from incorrect identification of the impact or origin of certain situational factors which will have an impact on behaviour and self-serving bias, which is the tendency of individuals to play up their role in successes while ascribing failures to external si tuational factors (Keizer, 2010). In summary, the psychodynamic and the behaviourist approaches both acknowledge that there are internal cognitive processes taking place in the mind and both regard human behaviour to be the outcome of various interactions between internal factors like drive and response and external factors like stimulus and reinforcement (Skinner, 1953) however, in the behaviourist approach, behaviour is originated externally from the environment whereas the psychodynamic approach ascribes the origin of behaviour to internal biologically drives. The humanistic approach made an appearance in psychology as an alternative to behaviourism and psychoanalysis approach (Dafermos, 2006) and is the only one that accounts for individual perception and interpretation also, acknowledging that these are not completely determined by the environment, by economics or by internal psychology (Keizer, 2010). Proponents of the humanistic approach attribute consumers behaviour to free will and considers them to be responsible for their actions, while criticising the research techniques adopted by in approaches for examining consumers solely as objects and not as subjects (Dafermos, 2006). In conclusion, consumer behaviour has been established to be a highly important aspect of management, in particularly, marketing management. The five approaches to the study of consumers covered compared and contrasted in this paper, are the economic man approach, the cognitive approach, the psychodynamic and behaviourist approaches and finally, the humanistic approach. These studies have come from different perspectives but, given the value to businesses of understanding how consumers behave, as well as the ability to more accurately predict future consumer behaviour, it is not surprising that there have been a number of research studies on the nature and origins of consumer behaviour. References Ahola, E. K. (2005). How is the concept of experience defined in consumer culture theory? Discussing different frames of analysis. Kulutustutkimus. Nyt.[Publication of the Finnish Association of Consumer Research]. Vol. 1. [Online] Available from: Backhaus, K. Hillig, T. and Wilken, R. (2007) Predicting purchase decision with different conjoint analysis methods. International Journal of Market Research. Vol. 49, No. 3. pp. 341-364 Baker, M., Hart, S. (2003) The Marketing Book. 5th Ed. Oxford, England/Burlington, Massachusetts: Butterworth-Heinemann Bennett, R. (1996) Relationship formation and governance in consumer markets: transactional analysis versus the behaviourist approach. Journal of Marketing Management. Vol. 12, No. 5. pp 417-436. Bennett, R., Bove, L. (2002) Identifying the key issues for measuring loyalty. Australasian Journal of Market Research, Vol. 9, No. 2. pp 27-44. Camerer, C. F., Fehr, E. (2006) When does economic man dominate social behavior? Science. Vol. 311, No. 5757. pp 47-52. Dafermos, M.- (2006). Psychology and Ethics: the double face of Janus. Eleftherna. Vol. 3, pp 97-110. [Online] Available from: Erasmus, A. C., Boshoff, E., Rousseau, G. G. (2001). Consumer decision-making models within the discipline of consumer science: a critical approach. Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences. Vol. 29. pp 82-90 Hoyer, W.D. Macinnis, D.J. (2008) Consumer Behaviour. 5th ed. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning Jobber, D. Fahy, J. (2006) Foundations of Marketing. 2nd Ed. Maidenhead, Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Education Keizer, P. K. (2010) Psychology for economists. Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series. Vol 10, No. 17. pp 1-43. Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. (2014) Principles of Marketing. Global Ed. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Ltd Kotler, P Keller, K. L. (2012) Marke ting Management. 14th Ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Hall Marsden, D., Littler, D. (1996) Evaluating alternative research paradigms: A marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?oriented framework. Journal of Marketing Management. Vol. 12, No. 7.pp 645-655. Nataraajan, R., Bagozzi, R. P. (1999) The year 2000: Looking back. Psychology marketing, Vol. 16, No. 8. pp 631-642. Sirgy, M. J. (1982) Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review. Journal of consumer research, vol. 9, No. 3. pp 287-300. Skinner, B.F. (1953) Science and Human Behaviour. New York: The Free Press Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. Hogg, M. K. (2006) Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective. 3rd Ed. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Ltd. Solomon, M., Russell-Bennett, R., Previte, J. (2013). Consumer behaviour. 3rd Ed. Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: Pearson Australia Vigneron, F., Johnson, L. W. (1999) A review and a conceptual framework of prestige-seeking consumer behavior. Academy of M arketing Science Review. Vol 1, No. 1. pp 1-15. Watson, J. B., Rayner, R. (1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of experimental Psychology, Vol. 3, No. 1. pp 1 -14

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Business Forecasting Group Project - 1318 Words

ECON2209, Business Forecasting, 2014 S1 Course Project (14% + 3% in Total) 1. This project has a value of 14% of the total assessment. In addition, there is a teamwork component worth 3%. The teamwork mark will be based on the online self and peer assessment (see Teamwork Assessment section at the end of this document). 2. This project must be completed in a group of 3 or 4 students. The members of a group come from the same tutorial class. Groups have been alphabetically assigned. Each group is identified by a class number (e.g. Class 2649) and a group number (e.g. Group 2). Please check the spreadsheets in â€Å"courseProjectGroups† to see the group you belong to. Each group must select one person to submit the project. Each group†¦show more content†¦Your task is to analyse the data and provide answers to the above questions. While your client does not use any technical jargons, you realise that the answer to Part (a) requires the construction of a proper econometric model for the historical building approvals, which will in turn produce the answer to Part (b). Your report should have four sections. The â€Å"Executive Summary† section should contain a summary of your answers and conclusions to the client’s questions. In the â€Å"Main Report† section, you should report how you analyse the data, build and check the model, and produce the answers and conclusions. This section justifies the contents of â€Å"Executive Summary†. In the â€Å"Further Issues† section, you should comment on the likely shortcomings of your results. The â€Å"Appendix† section should hold the set of EViews commands used in your analysis. Further you do want to impress your client by delivering a nicely presented report. Hints †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Total length of your completed project, including all discussions, tables, graphs, EViews commands, and the cover page, should not exceed 12 pages. The marks are distributed as: 1 mark for Executive Summary, 11 marks for Main Report, 1 mark for Further Issues, and 1 mark for Appendix and overall presentation. Use the principles/models/techniques up to the end of BF-09 and the end of Chapter 10 of the textbook (inclusive). The projectShow MoreRelatedForecast1127 Words   |  5 PagesManagement Excellence Toolkit-Part 4: Improve Your Estimating and Forecasting Effectiveness March 16, 2011 by Art Petty Leave a Comment 27 Note from Art: Your decisions define you as a leader and a manager, yet we spend very little time in our busy lives finding ways to improve our abilities in this area. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Free Essays

It is quite interesting to note that, academic research in business ethics was a totally distinct discipline from research in corporate governance, and the application of the word ‘ethics’ was uncommon in available research on corporate governance. The chief responsibility of corporate governance was understood to be safeguarding the benefits of the shareholders. Because of the severance between ownership and management, and the incapability of the independent owners to supervise the performances of those managers, a possibility was available for vital strategic decisions to be taken which would advantageous for the managers to a more larger extent compared to the owners. We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Governance and Business Ethics or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, takeovers not related to the organization’s core competence outcome in a bigger corporation, however, it does not result in a more profitable company all the time. Certainly, research has proved that extremely increased extent of isolated diversification normally resulted in lower profits. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) Till the greater part of 1990s, nevertheless, remuneration of executives was normally settled to a greater degree by the magnitude of the company compared to by what profits the company is earning. Therefore, unconnected takeovers will openly and instantly be advantageous for the upper-level managers, however may really be unfavorable in case of the stockholders. In the latter part of 1980s and initial stages of 1990s, when numerous mid and lower ranked employees in America were trimmed down, huge remuneration of the CEOs and the application of other methods which exclusively are advantageous to top level managers started to be talked about in greater detail and also in non-business news publications. Even in this present era, Fortune, Business Week, and The Wall Street Journal report about the yearly surveys of remuneration of CEOs and bonuses. The matters which are normally implicated as the active crusade of the shareholder which started during the 1990s, which culminated in increased appreciation on the part of the investors regarding good corporate governance. In case the citizens might lose confidence in the business due to extensive substandard corporate governance, the outcome could be that the common investor will search for scope other than the stock market. Episodes, in the bygone few years have displayed that an existence has been found about a deep bonding between business ethics and corporate governance. The activities of a company’s top executives impact the lives of several people, not merely shareholders. The arena of corporate governance is appreciating that it is stakeholders, not merely shareholders, whose privileges should be safeguarded. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) The position of U. S. corporations was a vital point in time in which a growing amount of scams have impaired their standing as socially accountable entities. (Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) The Enron debacle has impacted not just the assets of its shareholders, but also even the fate of its staff, and also the Houston community in which it was situated. The domino effects of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco, and other scandals at high places are witnessed presently in the stock market, our country and the employment prospects of our fresh graduates passing out of colleges, and maybe the most enduring in its detriment – in public skepticism, disbelief, and antipathy with the business community. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) The trust among investors was at its nadir, leading in persistent confusion in the financial markets and a smothering of economic turnaround. Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) Considerable sums of invested monies vanished because of accusations of misappropriation at the corporate level and misuse at the internal level. The accusations of scams and a broad discernment of doubt and indecision were unswervingly hindering the capability of enterprises to fight, create fresh jobs and better our economy. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) Overseas investors were taking a cautious approach prior to feeling certain that their investments are secure with the U. S. companies. (Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) The question remains whether an encouraging result is present of these latest episodes. Efficient corporate governance is something which is based on a fundamental set of ethical principles which steer the actions of the company, regarding the decision to launch a new product or collect new capital. It sets up a scaffold for efficiently evaluating risk and finding out and preventing scam and misuse by the internal employees of the corporate. I believe that some of the encouraging results of these latest episodes are which the common American is very aware in the present era regarding corporate governance -although the word is not used by them. I consider that we will be witnessing that in the coming years, communities will expect ethical behavior from companies, be resolute that corporate governance show the commendable values of the company, and that the society reward the people who are idols of excellence and penalize those who flout their wishes. Moreover, I expect that each one of is more aware that ethics is an extremely compelling component of any business proportion. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) There is a universal consensus by the management, regulators, and investor regarding the urgency of a heightened importance on ethics and a better examination of business governance. Endeavors are currently concentrated on developing organizational structures and a legal structure of confirmation and maintaining equilibrium, which are just, ethical, although typified by economic competence. Understanding the enlarged urgency for modifiable management practices and governance systems to bring back confidence in the securities market, the U. S. Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Through the provisions of the Act, it was made compulsory for setting up of separate corporate Board of Directors, establishment of independent audit and nomination committees, and solving of disagreement of interest among the management and other stakeholders in firms, denotes necessity of separate auditors, and accords more rigorous accounting information disclosure norms. Latest and proposed Securities and Exchange Commission rules are there, national stock exchange listing needs, and across the board fresh acts that passed by both sides of Congress, accented by President Bush, building new structures for the governance of the accounting industry as also enticement to manage deception in the shape of strict punishments for corporate delinquency. Even though these needs are mostly aimed at publicly traded businesses and other government controlled industries, these novel regulations must cause management and Boards of Directors, regardless of public or privately held businesses to heed to the demand for corporate reform earnestly by setting up or once again finding out their code of ethics of the company. Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) The indecisive efficacy of any fresh regulatory code; its possible expenses of implementation, and the restrictions of automatic remedial market mechanisms, call for building of institutions which ease the realization and execution of the law efficiently and in planned fortitude. These types of institutions must even suggest pioneering governance practices and build increasing apparent and easily supervised codes of ethics together with stringent disclosure needs. Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) Return on equity is very crucial, but at the same time performing business without restoring to short-cuts is also important. Shareholders activism is important, but at the same time eagerness by the shareholders to allow management to perform its duty is also vital. Cautious notice to firm rules and methods is valuable, but concurrently is the capability to be resilient and keen to change long-standing regulations and processes. Permitting a company to gain from the network of acquaintances of staff is vital, however side by side is averting of circumstances wherein people believe that the company’s decisions are arrived not on the merits, rather depending on the basis of contacts. (Ethics and Corporate Governance: Is There One Best Way? ) Every profitable enterprise wants to flourish and therefore require skilled senior management. But skilled management never implies that that sole decisive factor is awareness regarding the functioning of the business and the capability to augment earnings, growth and profits. Competent management must even instill a custom of truthfulness and ethical conduct. The Board of Directors and management must fix a right ethical pretext in case of every employee, across the hierarchy of the organization. An efficient code of ethics or code of conduct is something which is espoused by the Board of Directors and routinely evaluated and reinstated by the Board. A Code of Ethics must fix the values of the company like the leadership, responsibility, honesty, and dedication and it is not the end of it. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) In case of beginners, codes of conduct must deal with working conditions, personnel enrichment and training, and disagreements of interest. In order to be genuinely effectual, a code of ethics must be included into employee training across the company and used as an instrument for assisting worker feeling on expected conduct. It must be supervised at every stage to find out if the ideals are really executed across the company. A lot of companies with ethics programs have persisted to sustain hue legal cost for litigation based on unethical conduct of its employees due to gaps in supervising and implementing an ethical code of conduct. The ongoing engagement of every staff as also service by Board members must partly be resolved by every person espousing, enforcing and behaving themselves as per a suitable ethical code of conduct. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) To conclude, corporate governance guidelines and ethics are developing fast. Investors are calling for increased standards as also other stakeholders. Those companies who do not possess appropriate corporate governance and ethics processes endanger themselves to serious harm to their standing, criminal/ legal action and authoritarian punishments. How to cite Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

E-Learning Training and Development

Question: Discuss about the E-Learning for Training and Development. Answer: Introduction The report highlights the vision of the objectives set by varied learning institutes to facilitate the students in different spheres of studies. The electronic media serves the significant stage of representation of ideologies of educational pursuits that guides the learners to move forward with desired goals. The e-learning method is a vital instrument for propagation of outlooks of academic and professional achievements (Butler, 2016). Problem Statement There are certainly valid necessities of upgraded versions of Hardware devices that would appropriately assists to integrate the learning procedures in the required way to manage the training events though internet technology. The networking system needs to be developed in a suitable learning environment that stands on the programing language to pursue the cycle of input and production of prolific output. The selection and connection of the appropriate server built on the architecture of programs creates the greatest issue for the training and development of individuals. It needs to be tactfully handled through the application of programing language to link the messages as per accurate setting of hardware. This obviously generates the greatest problem of communication in the learning mechanism. Research Questions: What is the perspective of accessible technology in modifying the probable aspects of awareness and training mechanism of the learners for inordinate wisdom? What are the features of impression created by communication methods of internet tools within the minds of scholars of the indigenous and world-wide purview? How can it meet the values of life thorough the landscapes of media learning? What are the ambiguities and recommendations of e-learning? Importance of study It has become immeasurably predominant in most of the nations that fashions the technological settings to upgrade the perspectives of educational milestones in the trajectory of moral, scientific and logical procedures. The audio-visual phenomena is extremely suitable for the varied types of students enrolled in multifarious learning centres, universities, Business and professional organisations that shape the criteria of fulfilment of real intentions of studies and provide the required support to reach the ultimate peak of career (Rettberg, 2014). The modern concept and understanding of different patterns of learning mechanism has turned towards a novel phase of training and development of individuals of higher learning. The training and developmental programs are usually launched by diverse sections of the community to improvise educational benefits and improvement of spiritual , physical, social, legitimate and rational states of people. These courses and schedules are introduced to monitor the activities of students at varied intervals of time and assess the capabilities, talents and performance that assists to design and rectify the loopholes within the system of education. This has revitalised the traditional procedures of educational policies to train up the faculties of mind and accelerate the Academic and occupational movements in positive direction (Gowacki and Jackson, 2014). There are different forms of software tools such as Web CT, open system of access through the free participation in seminars, online web confer ences and implication of social media like Linked In, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, sending and receiving of Emails, interaction through WhatsApp etc. serve as the fruitful procedure of exchange of opinions and views on specified subject matter. Literature Review According to Rettberg (2014), the different domains of national constituencies embrace the essential measure of assistances and values of standards which incorporate the augmented ideas of heritage of archaic and ground-breaking procedures of educational excellence. The societies contribute towards the implication of the admirable criteria and execution of responsibilities as operative resources of communication. An extensive variety of indicators and units of edifying and pedagogic focusses of understanding and awareness evaluates the legitimate performances to approach the national enthralments. The inhabitants and settlers of the nation and supplementary and contiguous metropolises board to attain their purposes of sophisticated explorations of information through actual practises of pooling the resources with the practical interpretations of instructions at numerous academic organisations (Butler, 2016). The Institutions of upper knowledge hire diverse preparations of interacting skill to assess the abilities and talents over and done with the implementation of harmonisation of videoed message schemes which segment the areas with different terminals beyond the categorised measures of modifying the exertions to collect ethnic views of the legislatures of the educational talents. However, Snart (2010) explained that the exercise of studies help to hunt for admittance to diverse arrangements of enrollment conveniences in the organisations of advanced education which climax the expansive methods to communal development that generates the collaborative situation, assessments of precarious circumstances and consideration of practicalities stranded on interpretations This supports functional influences to transfer a defensible improvement of declaration schemes including material broadcast of educational facilities, in harmony with shared structures, public mobilisation, the arranging of media, social facelift and participation of people in collective progression. This entirely this promotes corporate reformation and advancement of decisiveness and refurbishment of language (Malde et al. 2015). According to Nilson (2010), the setup of lessons is intended to defend the compatibility and entitlement of transcribed and spoken abilities that generate the doorway to the appearance of graphic depictions. The internet design simplifies the possibility of media communication which outlooks to express the provisional policies of countering to the queries in a specified period. Rettberg (2014) delineated that the attending dimensions captivates the responsiveness and concentration of the candidates which stimulate the indispensable topographies of educational skills through determined tactics of sophisticated motivations to receive a documented gradation of achievement of trainings through laborious performances. On the contrary, (2016) revealed that the scholars disclose their various activities and presentations founded on their knowledges of examinations and assessment of investigations of issues. Some persons fail to pay for the psychological pressure and corporeal exertion in following the underpinning heights of responsibility. The unembellished tributaries of educations that generate ceaseless acquaintance and consciousness in accommodating with the environment but, but it puts them in dilemma while dealing with intricate dogmas that cannot appeal the scholars to the anticipated level of gratification. This fashions emotional combats and predicaments in differentiating them by way of facing the contestants who possess better skills in dealing with the challenges of greater provisions of knowledge. However, the learners require to improve them with scientific ideas and acquaintance to apprise them with the indispensable capabilities of apposite aspirants. According to Tsai et al. (2015), the operational instruments highpoint the events and agendas of enunciating the phase for functioning and establishing valuable relation with inconspicuous collections of individuals to signify the suitable communications and facts regarding the paraphernalia of the noticeable trainings. These exist as actual, communal and comprehensive demonstration of approaches to inspire the predictability of aims to outline the dispositions of the beginners. However, Brallier et al. (2015) preached that the reciprocated allocation of proceedings and resources empower the persons to ascend with larger prying and inquisitiveness to secure the familiarity of the structures of viewpoints engrained in the citations of the themes. These are essential to cultivate by the scholars in diverse grades of manifestation (Wicks, 2014). Analysis of the Issue The ethical and attired philosophies of the people are preconditions to be maintained by the organisations who wish to study to achieve the inner and exterior dealings with unique approaches destined to reach the targets of educational perspectives with the splitting up of vision to get away from all classes of absurdities or sensitive commotions. This apexes the methods of conflicting spirits to follow the technological framework in promising the central methods of transmitting the occupational message policies. There are requirements of convincing applications of accumulating cost-effective assets from the organisers of learning institutes. The authorities need to deliver the enclosed and indefinable platform for the peoples who needs to authenticate their capabilities to reveal their aptitude analogous to their projections, purposes and incandescent lookout for the reasonable competitors (, 2015). The accommodating drive of the subtlety of the amalgamation of ideas a re immensely vital for the over-all lucrative involvement of the institutes. This augments the civilisations to exhibit excellent distinction in presenting the operational criteria of the skills. The diverse pattern of commercial institutes believes on the insinuation of the improbability of bypassing in accordance to the valuation of Hofstedes clarifications of averting of indecisions to pursue higher studies through communicative technology that harvests the brand of outmoded and collective resistance of engagements after training and development of individuals. The personnel have the curiosity to collect information in the ground of publicity standards that positions on the stage of suitability and hands-on experience with indications of knowledge. They are intensely concerned to recognise whether the advancement of the people and the formation of allocation of resources are available to the learners and the personnel at miscellaneous circumstances select according to the scope of connectivity to the modern propensities of mechanisation. The structural behaviour and effective association of technological support heaves elegant and enlightening influence upon the affluences and creation of values interrelated to different personnel connected to the functioning organisation. There are requirements for autonomies of commitment, groundwork, approval of inspiring issues, and examination of the dimension of performances accessible by the primary individuals. The serious valuation of the prime effects of predictable tasks is expressively arbitrated by the eminence of achievement rendering to the valued civilisations prevalent in the communities of people (Olsen Stensaker, 2013). There are diverse infrastructures of prospectuses and measures in varied nations dependent on the instructive and modern legacy end-to-end with the shared, organisational, monetary and endorsed features of technical support. Education of the personnel is thoroughly connected to the instigation of arranged, informative and creative compendium that i nterconnects with the consciousness for an unambiguous persistence to plan the specialised embellishment interpreting the necessities of the culture with unified sophistication of physical, economical and practical assets succeeding with jurisdictional prefaces. Conclusion and Recommendation An assembly of dazzling personnel is required to undergo with the implementation of perfect forms of software applications grounded on the programing concepts and web-packages. They need to carry on with attentive insolence to display the comprehensive methods of operating devices and deal with the commination strategies. This may deal with suitable schemes of distribution of resources as per the needs of assignments meant for the capable person. The e-learning system is extensively significant in reducing the time limits and travelling discrepancies. The variety and enlistment of the indispensable operates as noteworthy powers symbolise the technique of all-in-one exercise and conveniences to expand the probability to produce a well-constructed set-up that builds up a positive background of the active session. It is acknowledged that the application of social holdup and human development clarifies the opportunity of speculation to amplify the production endeavours and the impeccable curriculum of the torrent of accessible assets to increase the phase of fabrication indirectly with the fixation of the followers toward renewed progression of instructive activities and common-sense services to assess the distinction of provision. The executive presentation is justly significant in mentioning the situation of communal summaries for the developments of diverse individuals and treat with the miscellaneous classes of movements with systematic strategies. In the practical domain, the persons are branded rendering to their performance of occupation, educational achievements, and potentials of assignments, guidance and supervision of eruditions. There are unrelated topographies that verify the programs of various groups in a managerial background accompanied by the communicating platform of the institution. Numerous surfaces of administrative performance moves the morals of countries associated to the benefit of the individuals with wide-ranging circumstantial conditions of the technical competence to mark the stages of development of the concrete component. The information learned through the accomplishments of the depictions at frequent phases of learning environment reproduces the outstanding beliefs and support of scientific revelations through leading values of decency. There are fruitful methods of online surveys, conference gatherings, and discussions to realise the short-term and everlasting presentation of growth to classify the personal effects of demeanour of the institution. This outlines the method of pursuing studies for the required qualification to gather knowledge regarding expressive realities and confirmation relating to the constituents of the subject that the learners want to amass. The acquaintance with internet concepts and networking procedures will definitely em power the practice of communication with the proviso that the technical equipment and operative factors are enthusiastically obtainable. References Brallier, S., A. Schwanz, K., J. Palm, L. and N. Irwin, L. (2015). Online Testing: Comparison of Online and Classroom Exams in an Upper-Level Psychology Course. Education, 3(2), pp.255-258. Butler, D. (2016). The Technology Source Archives - The Impact of Computer-Based Testing on Student Attitudes and Behavior. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Apr. 2016]. Crouch, C. and Pearce, J. (2012) Doing Research in Design - Page 68, 2nd ed. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. Gowacki, M. and Jackson, L. (2014). Public media management for the twenty-first century. New York: Routledge. Gordon, M. (2013). Training on handover of patient care within UK medical schools. Medical Education Online, 18(0). Gummerson, E. (2010) Qualitative methods in management research, 5th ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Harrison, R. L. and Reilly, T. M. (2011) "Mixed methods designs in marketing research", Qualitative Market Research: an International Journal, 14(1), pp. 7 26 Izydorczyk, B. (2015). Psychological and socio-cultural risk factors for developing negative attitude and anti-health behaviour toward the body in young women. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 46(4). Lancaster, G. (2012) Research Methods in Management, 4th ed. Oxford: Elsevier Malde, S., Thomas, C. and Wilkinson, G. (2015). Measuring C P violation and mixing in charm with inclusive self-conjugate multibody decay modes. Physical Review D, 91(9). Modes of learning: Whitehead's metaphysics and the stages of education. (2013). Choice Reviews Online, 50(05), pp.50-2788-50-2788. Nilson, L. (2010). Teaching at its best. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Olsen, TH., and Stensaker, I. (2013) 'A Change-Recipient Perspective On Training During Organizational Change'. International Journal of Training and Development 18(1) pp. 22-36. Paulhus, D. (2014). Toward a Taxonomy of Dark Personalities. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23(6), pp.421-426. Rettberg, J. (2014). Seeing ourselves through technology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Pivot. Snart, J. (2010). Hybrid learning. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger. (2016). Educational Psychology: Applying Psychology in the Classroom - Video Lesson Transcript | [online] Available at: [Accessed at 10 July, 2016]. Tsai, F., Tsai, C. and Lin, K. (2015). The evaluation of different gaming modes and feedback types on game-based formative assessment in an online learning environment. Computers Education, 81, pp.259-269. Tsuji, S., Bergmann, C. and Cristia, A. (2014). Community-Augmented Meta-Analyses: Toward Cumulative Data Assessment. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(6), pp.661-665. Wicks, A. (2014). Structural Health Monitoring, Volume 5. Cham: Springer International Publishing, (2016) Convergence and Divergence in Asian Human Resource Management, Available in,%20benson,%202002.pdf [Accessed at 10 July, 2016].

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Org behavior free essay sample

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Define, discuss, and recognize important terminology, facts, concepts, principles, analytic techniques, and theories taught in this organizational behavior course. 2. Identify and apply appropriate terminology, facts, concepts, principles, analytic techniques, and theories from the organizational behavior course when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems. 3. Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate facts, concepts, principles, analytic techniques, and theories from this organizational behavior course. 4. Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints. 5. Discuss the relevance and application of the concepts, principles, and theories used in organizational behavior to contemporary events. 6. Identify and discuss the interrelationships among the concepts, principles, and theories used in the different areas of organizational behavior. https://webster. campusconcourse. com/view_syllabus? course_id=24492 5/24/2013 Concourse | Organizational Behavior Page 2 of 5 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Organizational Behavior Author: Robbins and Judge Publisher: Prentice Hall Edition: Please Use Most Recent Edition EVALUATION Your course grade will be based on your scores on your examinations, papers, assignments, and your contributions to class discussions. We will write a custom essay sample on Org behavior or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These different components will be weighted as follows: Midterm Examination: 40% Final Examination: 20% Paper: 40% Letter Calculation: 93 – 100 = A, 90 – 92 = A-, 87 – 89 = B+, 82 – 86 = B, 76 – 81 = B-, 60 – 75 = C, 0 – 59 = F COURSE POLICIES This syllabus may be revised at the discretion of the instructor without the prior notification or consent of the student. The schedule below presents an approximate expectation of course progress. The instructor reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any weeks of this schedule. Any changes will be announced during class. Academic Dishonesty: Webster University strives to preserve academic honor and integrity by repudiating all forms of academic and intellectual dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and facilitation of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action, as outlined in the Graduate Studies catalog. Late work, including exams is subject to a 10% penalty. No work will be accepted via email. Papers must be submitted in class. INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES University policies are provided in the current course catalog and course schedules. They are also available on the university website. This class is governed by the universitys published policies. The following policies are of particular interest: Academic Honesty The university is committed to high standards of academic honesty. Students will be held responsible for violations of these standards. Please refer to the universitys academic honesty policies for a definition of academic dishonesty and potential disciplinary actions associated with it. https://webster. campusconcourse. com/view_syllabus? course_id=24492 5/24/2013 Concourse | Organizational Behavior Page 3 of 5 Drops and Withdrawals Please be aware that, should you choose to drop or withdraw from this course, the date on which you notify the university of your decision will determine the amount of tuition refund you receive. Please refer to the Add/Drop/Withdraw section of the academic catalog for further information and to find the deadlines for dropping a course with a full refund and for withdrawing from a course with a partial refund. Special Services If you have registered as a student with a documented disability and are entitled to classroom or testing accommodations, please inform the instructor at the beginning of the course of the accommodations you will require in this class so that these can be provided. Disturbances Since every student is entitled to full participation in class without interruption, disruption of class by inconsiderate behavior is not acceptable. Students are expected to treat the instructor and other students with dignity and respect, especially in cases where a diversity of opinion arises. Students who engage in disruptive behavior are subject to disciplinary action, including removal from the course. Grading Please refer to the most recent academic catalog for information on the Webster University grading policy. Student Assignments Retained From time to time, student assignments or projects will be retained by The Department for the purpose of academic assessment. In every case, should the assignment or project be shared outside the academic Department, the students name and all identifying information about that student will be redacted from the assignment or project. Contact Hours for this Course It is essential that all classes meet for the full instructional time as scheduled. A class cannot be shortened in length. If a class session is cancelled for any reason, the content must be covered at another time. SCHEDULE Week Topics https://webster. campusconcourse. com/view_syllabus? course_id=24492 5/24/2013 Concourse | Organizational Behavior Page 4 of 5 Chapters in Text Terminology Appendix A Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior 1 1 Diversity 2 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Emotions and Moods 4 Personality and Values 2 3 5 Perception and Individual Decision Making 3 6 7 Application of Motivational Concepts 8 Leadership 12 Power and Politics 4 Motivational Concepts 13 Review 5 Midterm 6 Foundations of Group Behavior Understanding Work Teams 9 10 11 Communication 7 Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace 14 15 Foundations of Organizational Structure 16 Organizational Culture 8 Human Resource Policies and Practices 17 18 https://webster. campusconcourse. com/view_syllabus? course_id=24492 5/24/2013 Concourse | Organizational Behavior Page 5 of 5 Organizational Change and Stress Review Term Papers Due 9

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Analyse and discuss the extent to which sexual Essays

Analyse and discuss the extent to which sexual Essays Analyse and discuss the extent to which sexual Essay Analyse and discuss the extent to which sexual Essay There are a figure of psychological differences between work forces and adult females that have been documented in the literature. These include the fact that work forces perform better on norm than adult females on undertakings that require motor and spacial accomplishments, while adult females perform better on norm in undertakings that require lingual or verbal accomplishments. This essay will analyze a figure of countries in which differences have been found in the constructions and map of the encephalon, such that differences have been shown between the sexes. In the research on sexual distinction, of import differences have been found in the existent constructions of work forces s and adult females s encephalons. Swaab A ; Hofman ( 1995 ) , in reexamining the function of the hypothalamus in sexual orientation and gender, point out that there are some interesting possible relationships that are opening up in the research. The hypothalamus is thought to be of import in whether a individual feels male or female, their gender individuality, which sex they are attracted to, and it is implicated in sexual behavior. Swaab A ; Hofman ( 1995 ) depict a peculiar portion of the hypothalamus, the sexually dimorphous karyon of the preoptic country ( SDN-POA ) , that has been found to be significantly different in mammalian species. Experiments on rats have shown that the SDN-POA is frequently between three and eight times larger in the male than in the female. When a lesion is applied to rats in the SDN-POA, it changes their sexual behavior. A similar country of the hypothalamus that besides contains an SDN-POA has besides been found in worlds. In work forces it has been found that there are twice every bit many cells in the male hypothalamus than in the female hypothalamus. Other differences have besides been found in the hypothalamus of work forces and adult females in two other cell groups ( INAH2 and INAH3 ) . Swaab A ; Hofman ( 1995 ) explain that from analyzing the growing of these cell groups in worlds it seems that the differences in this country are non seen until after a individual is born, but before they become an grownup. This could be the consequence of the of import function that sex endocrines play either delayed effects from during gestation or as a consequence of coincident hormonal alterations at, for illustration pubescence. The differences discussed so far have concentrated on structural differences between the encephalons of work forces and adult females. These are non the lone differences. There have, nevertheless, been found to be of import differences in how male and female encephalons map. Gur, Mozley, Mozley, Resnick, Karp, Alavi, Arnold A ; Gur ( 1995 ) used antielectron emanation imaging to analyze the metabolic activity in the encephalons of 61 work forces and adult females. When the encephalons of work forces and adult females were compared, no differences were found in any of the non-limbic parts of the encephalon in the occipital, parietal, and frontal countries. There were, nevertheless, differences seen in the termporal-limbic parts: the basal ganglia, the cerebellum and the brain-stem. As parts of the encephalon have been associated with verbal abilities and emotional processing for illustration, Gur et Al. ( 1995 ) pull some probationary illations from the differences that they found. T hey argue that higher comparative metamorphosis in the temporal-limbic system, and, in bend, lower metamorphosis in the buttocks and in-between cingulate convolution could associate to the mean advantage that adult females have in the ability to understand emotions. Gur et Al. ( 1995 ) make indicate out that, overall, the activity in the encephalons of work forces and adult females are, in fact, more similar than they are different. This survey is instead limited in the decisions that can be drawn from it merely because the participants were non asked to transport out any maps and so the encephalon was in a resting province. This means that any peculiar difference in activity, for illustration in verbal map, will non be detected. Besides, the difference that were really found between the sexes are instead little, although statistically important, it is hard to come to any decisions about the sex differences in the human encephalon. Other research workers have examined how specific parts of the encephalon have reacted to different stimulations. Hamann, Herman, Nolan A ; Wallen ( 2004 ) , for illustration, looked at the consequence of ocular sexual stimulation on work forces and adult females, and peculiarly in the amygdaloid nucleus and the hypothalamus. Hamann et Al. ( 2004 ) study that research has shown that work forces by and large have a greater response to ocular sexual stimulations than adult females. Twenty-four immature grownups, half male and half female, participated in this survey which involved functional magnetic resonance imagings scanning while sing ocular stimulation. The ocular stimulations were split into four groups: two that were sexual and two non-sexual. The sexual stimulations were of twosomes engaged in sex and bare images of members of the opposite sex. The non-sexual stimulations were a control of a arrested development cross, and pictures affecting interaction between males and femal es with no sexual overtones. The consequences showed that it was in the hypothalamus and the amygdaloid nucleus that differences were seen between the sexes. In the analysis Hamann et Al. ( 2004 ) compared the consequences obtained when the participants looked at the arrested development cross with those obtained when the participants were looking at the twosome engaged in sexual activity. These were used because they were found to be the most extremely contrasting stimulations. Importantly, these findings of higher activation in work forces were besides found even when adult females reported higher rousing than work forces from the images. Again, when the research workers looked across wide countries of encephalon maps instead than the specific countries of the hypothalamus and the amygdaloid nucleus, they found there was small difference between work forces and adult females. This was in blunt contrast to the differences in degrees of activity already discussed in the specific countries. Hamann et Al. ( 2004 ) discourse the possible mechanisms by which these differences in activation can be explained. Either there could be a difference in the manner that work forces and adult females process these stimulations, or they could be a consequence of different degrees of rousing. In add-on, it could be a combination of these two factors. The former is known as the processing hypothesis and the latter is known as the arousal hypothesis. Hamann et Al. ( 2004 ) argue that their consequences back up the processing hypothesis because work forces still showed higher degrees of activation even when their existent rousing was nt every bit high as the adult females in this survey. The unfavorable judgment of this survey are based around the fact that it there are many physiological and psychological facets of rousing that are non decently understood and the differences seen in encephalon map could be a consequence of these instead than specific gender related processing differences. One illustration of an alternate hypothesis is that the differences observed are the consequence of the different experiences that work forces and adult females have sexually, instead than an unconditioned sexual distinction seen at the structural or functional degree. Still, these sort of consequences tend to back up the thought that there are of import differences in the manner that work forces and adult females really treat some information. These, so, are of import differences in the functional countries of the encephalon instead than merely in the construction. Other lines of research have looked at the neurobiology of eating. Del Parigi, Chen, Gautier, Salbe, Pratley, Ravussin, Reiman A ; Tataranni ( 2002 ) examined 22 work forces and 22 adult females utilizing positron emanation imaging to analyze the neuroanatomy of hungriness and of repletion. Participants were asked to fast for 36 hours before brain-imaging, and so their reaction to repletion was besides examined. The consequences showed, as in the old surveies, that there were many similarities between work forces and adult females. Del Parigi et Al. ( 2002 ) did, nevertheless, happen some important differences between work forces and adult females. They found that the neural activity in the temporal lobes of work forces as a consequence of the fasting was significantly higher than in adult females. In contrast, for the repletion status, in adult females, the neural activity in the occipital lobe was higher. As the occipital country of the encephalon is thought to be to a great exten t involved in ocular processing, the writers posit that the ocular facets of nutrient and feeding might be more of import in adult females. This is a contrasting determination to that discovered in Hamaan et Al. ( 2004 ) although, this is a different country of behavior. Apart from that, the writers found that countries of the encephalon that are more associated with emotional processing were more extremely activated in work forces as a consequence of hungriness. When the participants were later fed with a liquid repast, nevertheless, neocortical countries, those that are more associated with planning and the senses, were more extremely activated in adult females than in work forces. In contrast though to old findings, this survey did non happen any sex differences in the operation of the hypothalamus. The deficiency of these findings was attributed by the writers to jobs with their experimental method. Some farther unfavorable judgments of this survey are addressed by the writers. Beginnings of mistake are to be found in the imagination equipment and in the statistical analysis of the information. The survey does besides stretch some of its findings to suit the hypotheses about the differences between the encephalons of work forces and adult females. The writers discuss, for illustration, the male reaction to hunger being located in the posterior cingulate. Pulling on other research, Del Parigi et Al. ( 2002 ) argue that this country regulates the reaction to aversive stimulations. Hunger, as an aversive stimulation, might trip this country, but merely in work forces. Del Parigi et Al. ( 2002 ) argue that this might stand for an country in which a sex difference can be seen. The job with this thought is that it represents a figure of rational springs from the information they have really obtained in this experiment, and should non be taken as strong grounds. In malice of these restrictions and criticisms the survey does supply the footing for farther research in this country. A general unfavorable judgment of the sort of surveies discussed in this essay is that, while there is an association between differences in encephalon activation or construction, this does non intend that these differences are caused by biological factors or biological differences between work forces and adult females. They could be the consequence of societal factors that affect a individual over life-time and cause alterations in the manner that, on norm, their encephalons are structured and in the manner that they function. This is, possibly, easier to reason for functional factors, instead than structural factors, but nevertheless it is an of import counter-argument. In decision, the research reviewed here shows that there are definite discernible differences in both the construction and map of male and female human encephalons. These differences have been found in countries such as the hypothalamus. Sexual behavior, amongst other factors, have been implicated as the consequence of these differences. Apart from structural differences, there are besides of import differences in functional countries. Early research has shown some overall prejudices in metabolic map that may associate to some psychological sex differences, such as those found in linguistic communication and spacial abilities. More recent research has found differences in the manner that the amygdaloid nucleus and hypothalamus respond to ocular sexual stimulation in work forces and adult females. In add-on, farther research has found some limited connexions between fasting, repletion and little functional differences in the encephalon. Overall, these surveies show some sexual distinc tion between the encephalons of work forces and adult females, although the differences are normally elusive and easy outweighed by the similarities. It should be noted that much of this research is still at an early phase, as is much of the research into encephalon map, and so the consequences are needfully inconclusive.Mentions Del Parigi, A. , Chen, K. , Gautier, J. F. , Salbe, A. D. , Pratley, R. E. , Ravussin, E. , Reiman, E. M. , Tataranni, P. A. ( 2002 ) Gender differences in the human brain’s response to hungriness and repletion.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 75 ( 6 ) , 1007-1022. Gur, R. C. , Mozley, L. H. Mozley, P. D. Resnick, S. M. Karp, J. S. Alavi, A. , Arnold, S. E. Gur, R. E. ( 1995 ) Sexual activity differences in regional intellectual glucose metamorphosis during a resting province,Science, 267 ( 5197 ) , 528-31 Hamann, S. , Herman, R. A, Nolan, C. L. , Wallen, K. ( 2004 ) Work force and adult females differ in amygdala response to ocular sexual stimulation.Nature Neuroscience, 7 ( 4 ) , 411-6. Swaab, D. F. , Hofman, M. A. ( 1995 ) Sexual distinction of the human hypothalamus in relation to gender and sexual orientation,Tendencies in Neuroscience, 18, 264–270.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Revenue Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Revenue - Math Problem Example Even though the property has never been renovated none of the hotels in its rating category has any advantages over it and changing the decor on a regular basis can be a means of making the place continually attractive to its clients. The hotel is close to public transportation which means that its guests do not have to go very far or get lost in order to obtain transportation. Additionally, there is direct access from the street to its food and beverage facility which means that this aspect of the business will be more successful than its competitors. It is expected that the food and beverage aspect of the business will provide similar level of revenue or probably more based on recent restaurant closures and the location of the facility. The hotel expects to have an above-fair market room share which means that its occupancy levels will be above the market average. Revenue generation This property has a number of avenues at its disposal to generate revenue. They include rooms, food and beverage, parking, laundry, telephone, entertainment and room service. This information is highlighted in the appendix. With an occupancy level of 60% and an ADR of $152 the property would be able to generate revenues from rooms of $705,580. This calculation takes into account rooms sold on week days (W/D) and weekends (W/E). Information gathered indicates that during quarter 1 of the previous years more leisure was demanded on weekends than on week days and so the rates were set higher on weekends than on week days. In the case of business the rates were higher on weekdays since this is usually the time when certain types of business like banks and service operations carry out their major activities. Corporate rates were also higher on weekdays than on weekends and so the information on occupancy and market mix was useful in this regard. The projections takes into account the maximize occupancy strategy. The use of this strategy will draw guests from other properties to this on e. Additionally, guests will get value for money and will return based on the distinctive characteristics of the property that sets it apart from the competition. The food and beverage facilities on the property should benefit tremendously from its proximity to public transportation and its access from the street. It has adequate space for the advertisement of the facilities. A guest survey that was done last year indicated that advertising was of great importance to all types of customers except tour groups. This would definitely help to boost not only the room revenue but food and beverage as well. Some restaurants recently closed their doors and this property stands to benefit from the lower number of restaurants in the area and the fact that none is scheduled to be built in the short term. Additionally, a number of corporate offices are opening in the area and this property stands tall with its distinct facilities which set it apart from its competitors. The property is expected to see approximately 700 additional persons for breakfast each day and this is considered very conservative, approximately 8,000 for lunch and 6,000 for dinner. This projection is based on the foregoing information as well as information obtained from the food and beverage performance and price points. Dinner followed by lunch is expected to be the main revenue generator. In terms of beverage from the bar there should be quite a bit of persons